Petri Ala-Maunus wins the audience's vote for favourite work with his enigmatic mountain landscapes


This summer visitors to the Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum have had the opportunity to vote for their favourite work in the Turku Biennial. The biggest number of votes by far was given to Petri Ala-Maunus' visually and technically impressive oil paintings Nightclubbing in Never-Never Land, No Man's Land and Paradise Ever After. A total of 716 votes was given, out of which 292 votes, or 41 per cent, to Ala-Maunus' works. The runner-up was Katarina Reuter with her series of paintings entitled Limits of the World (121 votes) and in third place were Mom&Jerry with their provocative installation Can you handle the truth. The winner of the Turku Biennial receives an award of 1 000 euros.

Ala-Maunus' paintings have touched many visitors personally. The paintings draw the viewer into an utopian world, fundamentally different from the reality that surrounds us. Visitors to the exhibition have found in the paintings a meditative state which arouses many emotions.

It is as if I were weightless and without obligations or sorrow.
Imaginative, impressive, different, touches the soul.
An artwork in which you can find yourself.
Breathtaking. Felt like I had fallen into a dream world of beauty and horror.

Petri Ala-Maunus' skillful technique is often mentioned in the audience's comments. On the one hand the works have been deeply touching on a mental level and on the other hand the visitors noted the artist's respect for the tradition of painting.

A postmodern approach that re-evaluates the traditions of oil painting and landscape painting. An examination and demarcation of kitsch.
Demanding, strong, light, skillful in an ”old-fashioned” way, ageless, and does not claim to be more than it is.
Added value to traditional kitsch.
I've never seen anything so beautiful. Wonderful use of colour.
Wonderful colour technique, understandable. Brings up images from the bottom of the ocean to a volcanic eruption...
Superb on both a technical and artistic level! You can look at this for a long time. It is beautiful and powerful.
A number one choice for a person inspired by more traditional visual art. Wonderful use of colour and it leaves space for your own imagination.

Ala-Maunus' works were also praised for being approachable and understandable.

An impressive mental landscape has been presented in an understandable way.
Doesn't require explanations (unlike many other works in the show).
A masterpiece, easy to look at and understandable, magical and utopistic, a manifestation of the idyll.
Multi-layered, beautiful, dream-like works. The first work of art that both myself and my boyfriend liked.

Petri Ala-Maunus lives and works in Tampere, Finland. His work is a combination of careful and uncompromising brushwork and a relaxed, sometimes even humoristic attitude. He is not afraid to use imagery that is linked to kitsch, such as sunsets or paradise landscapes. Ala-Maunus has held many private exhibitions and taken part in group exhibitions both in Finland and internationally. His works can be found in several museum collections.