
b. 1977
lives and works in Bologna

Everythings has its on place, 2011
bam­boo, clot­hes, pot­tery, iron , 300 x 400 x 200 cm

Sissi is an ita­lian artist who works with dif­fe­rent orga­nic mate­rials and often clot­hing. She crea­tes somet­hing one could call “body covers” or nests. She not only makes sculp­tu­res, ins­tal­la­tions, pic­tu­res or drawings but also per­for­mances. It can be a complete aest­he­tic expe­rience where mate­rials, tech­niques, lan­gua­ges, mea­nings and struc­tu­res are bound toget­her. The ins­tal­la­tions are built repre­sen­ting a bas­tion between one­self and rea­lity. In the sculp­ture Everything has its own place Sissi inter­laces bam­boo and crea­tes a kind of shel­ter as a place where the artist’s cos­tu­mes, hos­ting the body, also func­tion as sym­bo­lic pro­tec­tive shel­ters between an indi­vi­dual and the out­side world.

Sissi stu­died visual arts in Bologna and some of her recent exhi­bi­tions are La fan­ta­sia morde nella piega in bilico, Domani a Palermo (2010) at Galleria Francesco Pantaleone in Palermo and No soul for sale, A fes­ti­val of indi­pen­dents at Tate Modern in London.